Current Planned Preachers

Forthcoming Preachers:                                             

30 March.        10.30 pm. Janet De Jersey

                          6.00 pm. Rev Steve Dallin

06 April            10.30 am. Keith Le Parmentier

                          6.00 pm. Fellowship

13 April            10.00 am  Esther Male

                           5.00 pm. Rev Steve Dallin - "Enjoy"  Easter

20 April            08.00 am   Icart Headland

                         10.30 am. Rev Steve Dallin - All Age Worship, Holy Communion

                           6.00 pm  Fellowship - "Jesus and Jackets"

27 April             10.30 am. Fellowship

                           6.00 pm  Rev Jacky Cottrell

04 May             10.30 am. Gill Dallin

                           6.00 pm. Rev Steve Dallin - Holy Communion

11 May              10.30 am. Rev Steve Dallin - Dedication of Wren Craig

                           6.00 pm. Rev Steve Dallin

18 May              10.30 am. Fellowship - All Age Worship

                           6.00 pm. Fellowship - "Jesus and Jackets"

25 May              10.30 am  Rev Jacky Cottrell

                            6.00 pm. Rev Howard Stringer



























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