Current Planned Preachers

Forthcoming Preachers:                                                                           

14 July          10.30 am  Fellowship 

                       4.00 pm. Beach Picnic at Ladies Bay - Rev Steve Dallin

21 July          10.00 am. Rev Steve Dallin - All Age Worship with Breakfast in the Church Hall

                       6.00 pm. Fellowship - Jesus and Jackets (Half hour Service follwed by food)

28 July          10.30 am. Janet De Jersey

                        6.00 pm  Rev Jacky Cottrell

04 Aug           10.30 am. Sally Reddall

                         6.00 pm  Rev Steve Dallin - Holy Communion

11 Aug           10.30 am  Fellowship

                         6.00 pm. Fellowship

18 Aug           10.30 am. Fellowship

                         6.00 pm. Fellowship - Jesus and Jackets (Half hour Service followed by food)

25 Aug            10.30 am. Keith Le Parmentier

                         6.00 pm. Rev Howard Stringer


























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