Current Planned Preachers

Forthcoming Preachers:                                                                           

20 Oct            10.30 am. Fellowship - All Age Worship

                        6.00 pm. Fellowship - Jesus and Jackets (Half hour worship followed by food)

27 Oct            10.30 am. Gill Dallin

                        6.00 pm. Rev Steve Dallin

03 Nov           10.30 am. Esther Male

                        6.00 pm. Rev Steve Dallin - Holy Communion

10 Nov           10.30 am. Roger Browning

                        6.00 pm. Victor Lane

17 Nov           10.30 am. Fellowship - All Age Worship

                         6.00 pm. Fellowship - Jesus and Jackets (Half hour worship followed by food)

24 Nov           10.30 am. Rev Steve Dallin - Holy Communion

                        6.00 pm. Rev Jacky Cottrell



























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